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Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and an HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

HTML sitemap focuses mainly on making websites more user friendly for everyone to use. On the other side, XML site maps is made mainly to help you get more results on search engines. One of the benefit using HTML Sitemaps is that it’s a user friendly , although a disadvantage of using HTML Sitemaps is making a small web page instead of a massive page. One benefit to using XML Sitemaps is the additional information that you can add to your page such as last time you modified the page. One disadvantage with XML Sitemaps is how complex and takes a lot of time to make and maintain.

Evaluate three IDEs (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary of the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words, include how it would suit an entry-level trainee code developer.

Adobe Dreamweaver was developed by Macromedia in 1997 until they got accquired by Adobe in 2005. The main purpose of Adobe Dreamweaver is to allow you to make and publish web pages and it supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. The main positive of Dreamweaver is being able to make consistant looking webpages. The disadvantages of Dreamweaver is that it’s difficult for new web designers. Notepad++ was developed by Don Ho and was released in November 2003. One of the benefits to using this program is the open source nature of it and how multiple coding languages are supported such as Java and Python. One disadvantage is the limited functionality of the program. Visual Studio Code was developed by Microsoft and was released in 2015. This program aims to provide tools that the developer needs for a quick code, build and debug cycle. One advantage of using this program is that it has fast performance and is more lightweight than other programs. One disadvantage is that it doesn’t have many intergrated developer tools and you have to install your own addons. I would say Adobe Dreamweaver would suit a trainee that’s wanting a way to learn different ways of developing a website. Notepad++ would be good for beginners to learn the basics of how code works. Visual code studio would suit a trainee that is also sorta new to the whole thing, but is able to know basic code and is wanting to code manually.

Provide a brief history of web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee was working on a information management system which allowed text to contain links and references to other works. He created a server for reading a special document called hypertext and made a program called WorldWideWeb to read those hypertext. A main issue arrised for web developers was browser incompatibility which made it annoying for website developers since they have to test compatibility on each web browser that comes out to make sure their webpage works without issue. A group of developers formed and made the Web Standards Project to push industry officials to support their demands to comply with W3C standards. Web Developers are now using HTML 5 as the new standard which allows for compatibility for all web browsers to use a universilly accepted standard for web development.

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility and website functionality.

The idea behind compatibility testing is to make sure your webpages display correctly across all of the browsers that are currently out there. In almost every browser, there is bound to be times where it would display differently and make sure your website works on Mobile too. Making sure your website works is a must otherwise your users would have a bad time. Thats where making sure you test the functionality of your website is a good idea before you release it to the public. Make sure to test all your links, your forms and make sure the HTML is working correctly.

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT government web pages?

The Northen Territory Government endorsed the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) This became the requirement for NT government webpages, and it show’s that the NT websites need to be more accessible to people that are physically or mentally disabled.

How do you think it’s best to organize all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

It’s best to have a root folder to house everything. Then you would make a few sub folders in your root folder. One will be used for your images on your website, you would name that “images”. HTML files should be put directly in the root folder. All the .css files go into another sub folder, you would name that “CSS Folder” and you would have one more sub folder for your JavaScript files, you would also name that folder “javascript”